Development Expertise
As the Brownfield Project Development affiliate of Charter Contracting, Charter Development excels in tackling challenging projects in secondary cities and urban waterfront communities where economic growth has either stalled or been hampered by the presence of significant environmental liabilities.

Alternative Delivery Methods
Commercial and industrial owners of contaminated properties are frequently constrained by rigid procurement processes that limit their approaches to discharging complex environmental liabilities, often leading to sub-optimal outcomes for themselves and other community stakeholders.

Brownfield Redevelopment
Charter is also a leader in the conventional redevelopment and restoration of Brownfield sites. Leveraging the self-performing environmental remediation and civil construction capabilities of Charter Contracting, we combine technical expertise with in-depth regulatory knowledge to accelerate the redevelopment of Brownfield properties and put them back into productive reuse.

Environmental Public-Private-Partnerships
Charter Development excels in tackling challenging projects in secondary cities and urban waterfront communities where economic growth has either stalled or been hampered by the presence of significant environmental liabilities. Often, these projects have many common elements, including fragmented land ownership, legacy environmental liabilities, lack of adequate infrastructure, and overlapping regulatory jurisdictions with multiple stakeholders. Our EP3 model delivers a viable commercial structure where project risks and benefits are identified, quantified, and fairly distributed among the project's stakeholders in a manner that enables a successful project outcome. Our partnering mind-set and deep regulatory knowledge and relationships let us deliver solutions that benefit all stakeholders, but ultimately the communities in which we operate.
Contact Development Lead

Chief Commercial Officer
- Mason Sandell
- 857-246-6827