
Safety Week Day 3 – Embracing Every Voice 

Author: Charter

For Day 3 of Safety Week, we’re shining a spotlight on the importance of embracing every voice in our safety practices. At Charter, we believe that every team member, regardless of their position or title, holds valuable insights and perspectives that contribute to a safer work environment. 

One of the hallmarks of our safety culture at Charter is the empowerment of every employee. We recognize that safety is everyone’s responsibility, and as such, we empower all team members to take proactive measures to ensure their safety and the safety of those around them. 

A tangible example of how we empower our employees is our policy that grants every team member the authority to stop work on a project site if they have any concerns or encounter something they deem unsafe. This demonstrates our commitment to prioritizing safety above all else and underscores the importance we place on every individual’s input.  

Additionally, we involve every team member in the development of project Job Hazard Analyses (JHAs). By including input from team members across every role in the project, we gain valuable perspectives and insights that help us identify and mitigate potential hazards effectively. This inclusive approach not only enhances the safety of our projects but also fosters buy-in and commitment from all team members. 

At Charter, our commitment to inclusivity extends beyond project implementation. We involve the full team in end-of-project reflections, where we collectively develop lessons learned to be applied to future projects. This inclusive process ensures that we continuously learn and improve from our experiences, further strengthening our safety practices and project outcomes. 

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Safety Week Day 3 - Embracing Every Voice 

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As a company constructed to positively impact natural and built environments, we empower our people to seek fresh solutions. It's a philosophy that's delivered success to some of the most complex, highly visible projects in our region & beyond.

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