Thursday November 17th, Boston’s best gathered at the Aloft-Seaport Hotel to celebrate the reveal of the Boston Globe’s 2016 Top Places to Work. The room filled quickly with professionals form tech to nightlife, engineering to banking, in anticipation of the official release of rankings.
Over 2,000 companies were invited to participate, with 332 completing the Globe’s process. Companies were divided into size categories, Charter in the Midsize category with 100-249 employees.
This was Charter’s first time participating in the employee-based survey and was thrilled to be a part of the excitement. This is by far one of the most meaningful awards we have ever been honored with considering it is our own employees making it happen. The anonymous survey asks employees to rate the company on items such as direction, execution, connection, management, work, pay and benefits.
This is a milestone accomplishment acknowledging the hard work everyone at Charter puts in every single day. We are looking forward to finding even more ways to make Charter a Top Places to Work as we continue to grow.
“We couldn’t have won such a great award without the engagement, hard work, and positive energy that every one of you brings to work each and every day. I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished already, and even more excited about where we are headed together as a company. “
– Bob Delhome, Charter President
Congratulations to all of the incredible companies recognized on the list as a place that understands the importance of putting employees first! You can see the full list on the Globe’s website.
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