Yesterday, Charter was featured in the Everett Independent for the Wynn Everett Resort project. Charter was contracted as the environmental remediation contractor to clean up 3 major “hot spots” during Phase I of this project.
The future site of the casino was once home to a chemical plant owned by Monsanto, an agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology company and as such is highly contaminated. 6,500 cubic yards of soil, which is anticipated to be contaminated with arsenic and lead, will be removed. Most of the soil will be transported to Turnkey Landfill in New Hampshire over the course of 4 months, with 12 trips a day. The utmost attention will be given to truck routes as to not disturb the local community; trucks will not be allowed on local streets. In the case of high level contaminated soils, the soil will be sent to secure landfills in either Michigan or Canada.
By working with GZA GeoEngineering and Wynn, this cleanup project will help revitalize the area that has been idle for decades and plagued my chemicals. This site has been inaccessible to the public for nearly 100 years and we are excited be a part of its transformation.
You can read the Everett Independent Article here
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